Cameras and wetsuits at the ready…the underwater world awaits. Join world renowned ocean photographer and nature photographer Craig Parry on an exciting Minke Whale Photography Expedition on Australia’s Great Barrier Reef – the only place in Australia where these majestic whales can be experienced underwater.
Come Join Us
Each year we will be hitting the water with an intimate group for a Minke Whale Photography Expedition, with the next trip scheduled for June 2021. Throughout our time together we interact with the Minke Whales as they make their annual whale migration from the icy Antarctic to the warm Queensland waters. It is the perfect opportunity to submerse yourself into the world of ocean photography and improve and refine your photography skills under close expert tuition.
Living aboard a comfy vessel for 4 nights, this Minke Whale Photography Expedition allows you to enter the water up to 16 times over the course of the trip, with encounters having the potential to last up to two hours at a time. This kind of connection with the whales allows you to observe their sociable and curious nature as well as the unique physical markings on their pectoral fins, a delicate paintbrush stroke that is stunning to photograph.
About the Minke Whale
Minke Whales are considered to be on the smaller end of the whale scale when compared to their humpback and blue whale cousins. Yet, these inquisitive creatures grow up to 8 metres in length and 6 tonnes in weight. Sharing the water with them is an exhilarating experience.
Like most whales, the Minke Whale is sociable and appears to be as interested in humans as we are in them. In fact, more often than not it is the whale that approaches the human in the water, rather than the other way around. It is through this connection and careful observation that researchers have learnt what they know about the Minke Whale.
Over the course of the photography trip, you will have the chance to observe some of the Minke Whale’s fascinating behaviour. An example is the ‘minke decoy’ – a manoeuvre that sees one whale distract you while another who is waiting out of sight (usually below or behind you), moves in extremely close for a better look.

With focused and engaging photography and editing tuition from Craig himself, this Minke Whale Photography Expedition is the trip of a lifetime and one you do not want to miss.